
Context, centralized

A person working on a process should know exactly what to do, and when. Qntrl ensures every important detail is available when it’s needed, all in one place.

More than words

Include files important to the task at hand. Attach them from your desktop or other document management applications, and preview files online.

Get notified on time

Automatically notify team members about any assigned requests or pending tasks via email or their favorite chat app, including Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoho Cliq.

Stay updated on who did what

Activity feeds help stakeholders understand what’s happened to their request so far and who was responsible for it.

Choose where you’re notified

Choose when and where you want to be notified. Say you want to be pinged on Slack when a contract is closed, or on Microsoft Teams when your team submits a proposal for review. Just set your favorite chat app and Qntrl handles the rest.

Understand what Qntrl really is. Listen to our team explain.