
Which procurement process are you going to automate?

  • Transform your supplier selection process

    Improve your procurement operations by automating supplier vetting and onboarding. Free your team to focus on negotiating better terms and managing vendor relationships.

  • Enhance collaboration & visibility when purchasing

    Qntrl's centralized platform ensures real-time collaboration between the purchasing and finance departments. Access vital procurement data instantly, leading to informed decision-making.

  • Ensure compliance & scalability

    Qntrl offers robust compliance and administration features, protecting sensitive contract information and maintaining consistent performance as your procurement needs grow.

Qntrl has the functionalities your procurement team needs

  • Centralization & visibility

    Centralization & visibility

    Gain full visibility into all your procurement workflows. Track team activities, monitor progress, and anticipate upcoming tasks easily.

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  • Compliance


    Maintain high standards with precise control. Assign responsibilities, set rules, and ensure compliance effortlessly.

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  • Process automation

    Process automation

    Streamline procurement by automating repetitive tasks. Qntrl handles routine workflows, enabling your team to focus on strategic sourcing and vendor management.

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  • Reports & dashboards

    Reports & dashboards

    Gain insights into procurement processes with custom reports and dashboards. Monitor SLAs, analyse trends, and optimize workflows for enhanced efficiency and informed decision-making.

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  • Security


    Secure your procurement processes with cloud-based convenience and on-premises-level security features for enhanced data protection.

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What our customers have to say

Automate your business processes with an advanced BPM platform

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